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Media Coverage


Preventable Poverty – Toni Wren, Single Mother Families Australia CEO Terese Edwards, single mother Juanita – 7min
The Project TV, 10, 27/10/23 Full segment via X

Anti-Poverty Week draws attention to unpaid child support – Single Mother Families Australia CEO Terese Edwards –
ABC TV News Breakfast 27/10/23

OPINION: Anti-Poverty Week: Income subsidy would help give everyone a better start – Toni Wren
Canberra Times 23/10/23

Food insecurity rising in Australia Hunger Report shows – quotes Brianna Casey, Foodbank Australia CEO
ABC News online 23/20/23

New research provides grim revelation about how women survive earnings shocks, 17/10/23

Most workers will have an earnings shock and many will take years to recover – Steven Lunn The Australian 16/10/23

OPINION Voice debate must focus on facts in final week – Catherine Liddle CEO SNAICC & Toni Wren
Women’s Agenda 6/10/23

OPINION How The Voice will help end Poverty for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Children – Toni Wren
Women’s Agenda 7/9/23

OPINION Federal budget’s baby steps to address poverty – Toni Wren
Canberra Times 12/5/23

Concerns raised over exclusion of single parent payment from other welfare payment increases – Amy Remeikis
Guardian live blog  11/5/23

ANALYSIS Jenny Macklin’s Myth Busters – Mike Stekeetee
Inside Story 10/5/23

Child poverty, domestic violence reduced by new parenting payment rules – Stephen Lunn
The Australian 8/5/2023

Cost of living pressures – Laura Tingle, ABC TV 7.30, 3/5/23

Labor MPs condemn ‘discriminatory’ plan to increase jobseeker only for those over 55 in budget – The Guardian, 2/5/23

OPINION Federal government can lift 2 million out of poverty with stroke of a pen – Toni Wren
Canberra Times 27/4/2023

OPINION Now is the time for Labor to deliver for all trapped in poverty – Toni Wren
Women’s Agenda 20/4/2023

Anthony Albanese under pressure to fix Julia Gillard’s single mum pension cuts from 2012 – by Phil Coorey
Australian Financial Review 30/3/2023

Calls to extend single parenting payments
ABC PM 29/3/2023

OPINION Pressure on Anthony Albanese to restore Labor party’s stained legacy on single mums – Mark Riley
West Australian 24/3/2023

The PM is being challenged to reverse a $200/fortnight cut to Single Parent Payment – Mark Riley (via Twitter)
Ch7 News 23/3/2023

OPINION At least 100 Women killed since March4Justice… – Toni Wren ED Anti-Poverty Week
Canberra Times 18/3/2023

Progress in closing the gender pay gap has stalled – quotes Toni Wren
Canberra Times 7/3/2023

Rising Cost of Living – impact on women – Toni Wren ED Anti-Poverty Week
ABC ABC News Breakfast 6/3/2023

Rising Cost of Living – single mother Renee
ABC News Breakfast 6/3/2023

OPINION Why did Australia choose a poverty return? Senate Inquiry hears how poverty is gendered – Toni Wren
Women’s Agenda  28/2/23

Liberal MP defends Albanese over any broken promises on superannuation – David Crowe  (quotes Toni Wren)
Age/Sydney Morning Herald  28/2/2023

OPINION Government needs to do more to help disadvantaged students – Toni Wren
Canberra Times  30/1/2023


Big Ideas Alleviating Child Poverty    Qld Anti-Poverty Week forum recorded live
ABC RN Big Ideas  20/10/22

Anglicare Australia says emergency services at breaking point
Herald Sun  20/10/22

Rising rent and food costs drive surging charity demand
The New Daily 20/10/22

Ten News Breakfast interview with Toni Wren  20/10/22

Call to halve child poverty by 2030  interview with Toni Wren, ED
ABC Radio National Breakfast  18/10/22

Advocates call for new laws to enshrine goal of halving child poverty by 2030  – Stephen Lunn
The Australian  18/10/22

A third of single mothers in financial hardship due to welfare policies, analysis finds  – Luke Henrique-Gomes
The Guardian 18/10/22

Jim Chalmers promised a well-being budget…  Laura Tingle report
ABC 7.30 18/10/22

OPINION While you’re having lunch this Anti-Poverty Week, consider thousands going hungry   Rod Bower, director of mission Newcastle Anglican
Canberra Times 19/10/22

For Richer or poorer   Rachel Withers
The Monthly Podcast   18/10/22

Inflation and inadequate welfare fuelling Australia’s food insecurity crisis, Foodbank finds
The Guardian 17/10/22

Brisbane Qld AntiPoverty Week launch 
Ten News 16/10/22

A picture of Poverty in Australia         ACOSS/UNSW Poverty report
ABC AM 14/10/22

Stage 3 tax cuts unconscionable…    ACOSS/UNSW Poverty report
The Guardian 14/10/22

OPINION – Julia Gillard committed a terrible wrong. It’s time for Albanese to right it – Christine Wallace
SMH 4/8/2022

OPINION – Child poverty: A problem Labor can and must solve – Sean Kelly
SMH 1/8/2022


Let’s Learn from the pandemic and choose to reduce child poverty in Australia, Toni Wren & Dr Andrew Charlton
CEDA, 6/12/21

Raising income support and investing in social housing and rent assistance are the keys to unlocking poverty, Toni Wren
Australian Nursing and Midwifery Journal (ANMJ)  11/11/21 

This Anti-Poverty Week we saluted the brave voices of poverty, Toni Wren, Women’s Agenda, 5/11/21 

Women’s March 4 Justice and JobSeeker changes may seem worlds apart — but they’re linked, Toni Wren
ABC analysis online   15/3/21