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What We Do

Anti-Poverty Week supports the Australian community to have an increased understanding of poverty and to take action collectively to end it.

Since 2002, we’ve been active every year in the week around the 17th of October, the United Nations Day for the Eradication of Poverty.  During this week, we encourage all Australians to take action and focus on positive solutions to end poverty. We work with our network of diverse voices and organisations in order to increase awareness of poverty in Australia. We reach out to audiences who are not already at the forefront of this work including younger Australians and Federal politicians.

Each year we choose an evidence-based solution to be a focus and partner with the leading campaign/organisation in that space to take action to end poverty. In Anti-Poverty Week 2023 we joined with the Valuing Children Initiative to urge our Federal Parliamentarians to legislate to end child poverty.  In Anti-Poverty Week 2022 we called for a commitment to halve child poverty by 2030.  In 2021 we called on governments to unlock poverty for families and children and all affected by pandemic poverty by raising income support above the poverty line and investing in social housing. We have supported the Raise the Rate for Good and Everybody’s Home campaigns each year since 2019.

See our APW Strategic Direction 2019-2023.

We have created a helpful guide on How We Talk about Poverty in Australia, in order to bring positive solutions to poverty to the forefront of conversations.  See also our note on Framing and cultural mindsets, September 2023.

We encourage a range of activities in regions, towns and cities from individuals and organisations  our particular solution focus on any aspect of poverty they are most concerned about.

Anti-Poverty Week 2024 will be 13-19 October.

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